Useful links ============ - The github repository `teneva_jax `_ with the fast `jax` version of the `teneva` code. - The github repository `teneva_bm `_ with benchmarks library for testing multidimensional approximation and optimization methods. - The github repository `teneva_opti `_ with wrapper for various optimizers adapted to work with benchmarks from `teneva_bm`. - The github repository `ttopt `_ with the gradient-free optimization method `TTOpt` for multivariable functions based on the TT-format and maximal-volume principle (see also `NeurIPS-2022 paper `_). - The github repository `PROTES `_ with the optimization method `PROTES` (PRobability Optimizer with TEnsor Sampling) for derivative-free optimization of the multidimensional arrays and discretized multivariate functions based on the TT-format (see also `arxiv paper `_). - The github repository `Constructive-TT `_ with the method for constructive TT-representation of the tensors given as index interaction functions (see also `ICLR-2023 paper `_). - Paper `Tensor train decomposition `_, in which the TT-decomposition is presented and the main its properties are described. - Dissertation work `Computational tensor methods and their applications `_ (in Russian only), in which the TT-decomposition is proposed and all its properties are described in detail. - Dissertation work `Tensor methods for multidimensional differential equations `_ (in Russian only), which presents various new algorithms in the TT-format for problems of multidimensional approximation, optimization and solution of differential equations.