Module als_func: construct TT-tensor of coefficients

Package teneva, module als_func: construct TT-tensor of coefficients.

This module contains the function “als_func” which computes the TT-approximation of tensor of coefficients (i.e., the TT-Tucker core tensor) by TT-ALS algorithm, using given random samples.

teneva.als_func.als_func(X_trn, y_trn, A0, a=-1.0, b=1.0, nswp=50, e=1e-16, info={}, *, X_vld=None, y_vld=None, e_vld=None, fh=None, lamb=0.001, n_max=None, thr_pow=1e-06, log=False, update_sol=None)[source]

Build TT-Tucker core tensor by TT-ALS from the given samples.

  • X_trn (np.ndarray) – set of train spatial points in the form of array of the shape [samples, d], where d is a number of function’s input dimensions and samples is a size of the train dataset.

  • y_trn (np.ndarray) – values of the function for inputs X_trn in the form of array of the shape [samples].

  • A0 (list) – TT-tensor, which is the initial approximation for algorithm. It should have the equal size for all modes.

  • a (float) – grid lower bounds for each dimension (should be the same for all dimensions in the current version). It is not used if fh argument is given.

  • b (float) – grid upper bounds for each dimension (should be the same for all dimensions in the current version). It is not used if fh argument is given.

  • nswp (int) – number of ALS iterations (sweeps). If e or e_vld parameter is set, then the real number of sweeps may be less (see info dict with the exact number of performed sweeps).

  • e (float) – optional algorithm convergence criterion (> 0). If between iterations (sweeps) the relative rate of solution change is less than this value, then the operation of the algorithm will be interrupted.

  • info (dict) – an optionally set dictionary, which will be filled with reference information about the process of the algorithm operation. At the end of the function work, it will contain parameters: e - the final value of the convergence criterion; e_vld - the final error on the validation dataset; nswp - the real number of performed iterations (sweeps); stop - stop type of the algorithm (nswp, e or e_vld).

  • X_vld (np.ndarray) – optional spatial points for items of validation dataset in the form of array of the shape [samples_vld, d], where samples_vld is a size of the validation dataset.

  • y_vld (np.ndarray) – optional values of the function for spatial points X_vld of validation dataset in the form of array of the shape [samples_vld].

  • e_vld (float) – optional algorithm convergence criterion (> 0). If after sweep, the error on the validation dataset is less than this value, then the operation of the algorithm will be interrupted.

  • fh (function) – optional function, that generates a line in the H matrices in the TT-Tucker. If it is not set, then a and b arguments should be provided (the Chebyshev interpolation will be used in this case).

  • lamb (float) – regularization parameter for least squares.

  • n_max (int) – optional maximum mode size for coefficients’ tensor. If the parameter is set, then a dynamic search for the optimal value will be carried out.

  • thr_pow (float) – optional parameter for dynamic search of the optimal value of the mode size for coefficients’ tensor.

  • log (bool) – if flag is set, then the information about the progress of the algorithm will be printed after each sweep.


TT-tensor, which represents the TT-approximation for the tensor

of interpolation coefficients (i.e., TT-Tucker core tensor).

Return type:



We set the target function (the function takes as input a set of function inputs X of the shape [samples, dimension]):

def func(X):
    """Schaffer function."""
    Z = X[:, :-1]**2 + X[:, 1:]**2
    y = 0.5 + (np.sin(np.sqrt(Z))**2 - 0.5) / (1. + 0.001 * Z)**2
    return np.sum(y, axis=1)
d = 7      # Dimension of the function
a = -5.    # Lower bounds for spatial grid
b = +6.    # Upper bounds for spatial grid

Then we select the parameters:

m_trn  = 1.E+5  # Train data size (number of function calls)
m_vld  = 1.E+3  # Validation data size
m_tst  = 1.E+5  # Test data size
nswp   = 6      # Sweep number for ALS iterations
r      = 5      # TT-rank of the initial random tensor
n      = 2      # Initial shape of the coefficients' tensor
n_max  = 20     # Maximum shape of the coefficients' tensor

We prepare random train, validation and test data:

X_trn = np.vstack([np.random.uniform(a, b, int(m_trn)) for k in range(d)]).T
y_trn = func(X_trn)

X_vld = np.vstack([np.random.uniform(a, b, int(m_vld)) for k in range(d)]).T
y_vld = func(X_vld)

X_tst = np.vstack([np.random.uniform(a, b, int(m_trn)) for k in range(d)]).T
y_tst = func(X_tst)

And now we will build the TT-tensor, which approximates the coefficients’ tensor in the TT-format by the functional TT-ALS method:

t = tpc()
A0 = teneva.rand([n]*d, r)
A = teneva.als_func(X_trn, y_trn, A0, a, b, nswp, e=None,
    X_vld=X_vld, y_vld=y_vld, n_max=n_max, log=True)
t = tpc() - t

print(f'Build time     : {t:-10.2f}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# # pre | time:      0.153 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 1.7e+00 |
# #   1 | time:      1.129 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 2.7e-01 | e: 1.0e+00 |
# #   2 | time:      2.853 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 2.3e-01 | e: 6.6e-01 |
# #   3 | time:      5.373 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 1.8e-01 | e: 5.4e-01 |
# #   4 | time:      8.340 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 1.4e-01 | e: 3.3e-01 |
# #   5 | time:     11.770 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 8.3e-02 | e: 2.5e-01 |
# #   6 | time:     15.886 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 6.9e-02 | e: 1.3e-01 | stop: nswp |
# Build time     :      15.90

And now we can check the result. We compute values of our approximation in test points using coefficients’ tensor:

t = tpc()

y_our = teneva.func_get(X_tst, A, a, b)
e = np.linalg.norm(y_our - y_tst) / np.linalg.norm(y_tst)

t = tpc() - t
print(f'Relative error : {e:-10.1e}')
print(f'Check time     : {t:-10.2f}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Relative error :    7.1e-02
# Check time     :       4.76

Note that that the mode sizes for the coefficients’ tensor will be changed, since we passed n_max parameter:

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# TT-tensor     7D : |8| |14| |14| |14| |14| |14| |8|
# <rank>  =    5.0 :   \5/  \5/  \5/  \5/  \5/  \5/

(NEW OPTION) We can also use batch updates:

t = tpc()

A = teneva.rand([n]*d, r)

Nn = X_trn.shape[0]
bs = 10000 # batch size
iters = 5

for i_iter in range(iters):
    idx = np.random.permutation(Nn)
    for i in range(0, Nn, bs):
        X_trn_cur = X_trn[idx[i:i+bs]]
        y_trn_cur = y_trn[idx[i:i+bs]]

        A = teneva.als_func(X_trn_cur, y_trn_cur, A, a, b, nswp=1, e=None,
            X_vld=X_vld, y_vld=y_vld, n_max=n_max, log=True, update_sol=True, lamb=2**(i_iter/(iters/30)))
t = tpc() - t

print(f'Build time     : {t:-10.2f}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# # pre | time:      0.064 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 2.8e+00 |
# #   1 | time:      0.205 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 2.7e-01 | e: 1.0e+00 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 2.7e-01 |
# #   1 | time:      0.300 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 2.4e-01 | e: 8.9e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.053 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 2.4e-01 |
# #   1 | time:      0.370 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 1.9e-01 | e: 7.3e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.052 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 1.9e-01 |
# #   1 | time:      0.425 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 1.5e-01 | e: 5.2e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 1.5e-01 |
# #   1 | time:      0.497 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 9.8e-02 | e: 3.9e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 9.8e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.576 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 7.9e-02 | e: 2.3e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 7.9e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.691 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 7.2e-02 | e: 1.9e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.052 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 7.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.795 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 5.8e-02 | e: 1.6e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.053 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 5.8e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.890 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 5.4e-02 | e: 1.5e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 5.4e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.920 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.7e-02 | e: 1.4e-01 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.053 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.7e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.885 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.5e-02 | e: 6.9e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.5e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.881 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.3e-02 | e: 6.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.3e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.907 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 6.1e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.907 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.3e-02 | e: 7.1e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.3e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.884 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 6.3e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.874 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 5.9e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.061 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.959 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 6.2e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.922 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 6.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.053 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.955 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 6.2e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.964 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 6.4e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.933 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.3e-02 | e: 3.8e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.3e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.923 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 3.9e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.057 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.948 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.948 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 | e: 3.4e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.2e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.966 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.4e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.057 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.941 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.5e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.930 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.7e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.935 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.968 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.4e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.053 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.949 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.3e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.968 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.964 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.5e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.954 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.5e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.057 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.972 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.945 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.8e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.936 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.945 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.5e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.934 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.4e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.961 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.963 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 1.6e-02 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.965 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.4e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.969 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 4.4e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.982 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.4e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.983 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 | e: 3.7e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.991 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 | e: 3.6e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.055 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.971 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 | e: 3.4e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.1e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.957 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 | e: 3.8e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.056 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.960 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 | e: 3.3e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.054 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.952 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 | e: 3.7e-03 | stop: nswp |
# # pre | time:      0.057 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 |
# #   1 | time:      0.949 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 | e: 3.4e-03 | stop: nswp |
# Build time     :      43.72
t = tpc()

y_our = teneva.func_get(X_tst, A, a, b)
e = np.linalg.norm(y_our - y_tst) / np.linalg.norm(y_tst)

t = tpc() - t
print(f'Relative error : {e:-10.1e}')
print(f'Check time     : {t:-10.2f}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Relative error :    4.1e-02
# Check time     :       4.92

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# TT-tensor     7D : |20| |20| |20| |20| |20| |20| |20|
# <rank>  =    5.0 :    \5/  \5/  \5/  \5/  \5/  \5/

Here we have given only one example of the use of method. More related demos can be found in the documentation for the “als” function in “” module.