Module cross: construct TT-tensor by TT-cross

Package teneva, module cross: construct TT-tensor, using TT-cross.

This module contains the function “cross” which computes the TT-approximation for implicit tensor given functionally by the rank-adaptive multidimensional cross approximation method in the TT-format (TT-cross).

teneva.cross.cross(f, Y0, m=None, e=None, nswp=None, tau=1.1, dr_min=1, dr_max=1, tau0=1.05, k0=100, info={}, cache=None, I_vld=None, y_vld=None, e_vld=None, cb=None, func=None, m_cache_scale=5, log=False)[source]

Compute the TT-approximation for implicit tensor given functionally.

This function computes the TT-approximation for implicit tensor given functionally by the rank-adaptive multidimensional cross approximation method in the TT-format (TT-cross).

  • f (function) – function f(I) which computes tensor elements for the given set of multi-indices I, where I is a 2D np.ndarray of the shape [samples, dimensions]. The function should return 1D np.ndarray of the length equals to samples, which relates to the values of the target function for all provided samples. If the function returns None, then the algorithm will be interrupted and the current result will be returned (in the info dictionary, in this case, the stop type of the algorithm will be “func”).

  • Y0 (list) – TT-tensor, which is the initial approximation for algorithm.

  • m (int) – optional limit on the maximum number of requests to the objective function (> 0). If specified, then the total number of requests will not exceed this value. Note that the actual number of requests may be less, since the values are requested in batches.

  • e (float) – optional algorithm convergence criterion (> 0). If between iterations the relative rate of solution change is less than this value, then the operation of the algorithm will be interrupted.

  • nswp (int) – optional maximum number of iterations (sweeps) of the algorithm (>= 0). One sweep corresponds to a complete pass of all tensor TT-cores from left to right and then from right to left. If nswp = 0, then only “maxvol-preiteration” will be performed.

  • tau (float) – accuracy parameter (>= 1) for the algorithm “maxvol_rect” (see “maxvol_rect” function for more details).

  • dr_min (int) – minimum number of added rows in the process of adaptively increasing the TT-rank of the approximation using the algorithm “maxvol_rect” (see “maxvol_rect” function for more details). Note that dr_min should be no bigger than dr_max.

  • dr_max (int) – maximum number of added rows in the process of adaptively increasing the TT-rank of the approximation using the algorithm “maxvol_rect” (see “maxvol_rect” function for more details). Note that dr_max should be no less than dr_min. If dr_max = 0, then basic maxvol algorithm will be used (rank will be constant).

  • tau0 (float) – accuracy parameter (>= 1) for the algorithm “maxvol” (see “maxvol” function for more details). It will be used while maxvol preiterations and while the calls of “maxvol” function from the “maxvol_rect” algorithm.

  • k0 (int) – maximum number of maxvol iterations (>= 1; see “maxvol” function for more details). It will be used while maxvol preiterations and while the calls of “maxvol” function from the “maxvol_rect” algorithm.

  • info (dict) – an optionally set dictionary, which will be filled with reference information about the process of the algorithm operation. At the end of the function work, it will contain parameters: m - total number of requests to the target function; e - the final value of the convergence criterion; e_vld - the final error on the validation dataset; nswp - the real number of performed iterations (sweeps); m_cache - total number of requests to the cache; stop - stop type of the algorithm (see note below).

  • cache (dict) – an optionally set dictionary, which will be filled with requested function values. Since the algorithm sometimes requests the same tensor indices, the use of such a cache may speed up the operation of the algorithm if the time to find a value in the cache is less than the time to calculate the target function.

  • I_vld (np.ndarray) – optional multi-indices for items of validation dataset in the form of array of the shape [samples_vld, d], where samples_vld is a size of the validation dataset.

  • y_vld (np.ndarray) – optional values of the tensor for multi-indices I_vld of validation dataset in the form of array of the shape [samples_vld].

  • e_vld (float) – optional algorithm convergence criterion (> 0). If after sweep, the error on the validation dataset is less than this value, then the operation of the algorithm will be interrupted.

  • cb (function) – optional callback function. It will be called after every sweep and the accuracy check with the arguments: Y, info and opts, where Y is the current approximation (TT-tensor), info is the info dictionary and the dictionary opts contains fields Ir, Ic, cache and Yold. If the callback returns a true value, then the algorithm will be stopped (in the info dictionary, in this case, the stop type of the algorithm will be “cb”).

  • func (function) – if this function is set, then it will replace the inner function _func, which deals with requests to the objective function f. This argument is used only for internal experiments.

  • m_cache_scale (int) – if the number of requests to the cache is m_cache_scale times greater than the current number of requests to the target function, then the algorithm will stop (in the info dictionary, in this case, the stop type will be “conv”).

  • log (bool) – if flag is set, then the information about the progress of the algorithm will be printed after each sweep.


TT-Tensor which approximates the implicit tensor.

Return type:



Note that at list one of the arguments m / e / nswp / e_vld should be set by user. The end of the algorithm operation occurs when one of the following criteria is reached: 1) the target function returns None instead of a batch of values; 2) the maximum allowable number of the objective function calls (m) has been done (more precisely, if the next request will result in exceeding this value, then algorithm will not perform this new request); 3) the convergence criterion (e) is reached; 4) the maximum number of iterations (nswp) is performed; 5) the algorithm is already converged (all requested values are in the cache already); 6) the error on validation dataset I_vld, y_vld is less than e_vld; 7) the callback function returns true value. The related stop type (func, m, e, nswp, conv, e_vld or cb) will be written into the item stop of the info dictionary.

The resulting TT-tensor usually has overestimated ranks, so you should truncate the result. Use for this Y = teneva.truncate(Y, e) (e.g., e = 1.E-8) after this function call.


d = 5                           # Dimension of the function
a = [-5., -4., -3., -2., -1.]   # Lower bounds for spatial grid
b = [+6., +3., +3., +1., +2.]   # Upper bounds for spatial grid
n = [ 20,  18,  16,  14,  12]   # Shape of the tensor

We set the target function (the function takes as input a set of tensor multi-indices I of the shape “[samples, dimension]”, which are transformed into points “X” of a uniform spatial grid using the function “ind_to_poi”):

from scipy.optimize import rosen
def func(I):
    X = teneva.ind_to_poi(I, a, b, n)
    return rosen(X.T)

We prepare test data from random tensor multi-indices:

# Number of test points:
m_tst = int(1.E+4)

# Random multi-indices for the test points:
I_tst = np.vstack([np.random.choice(k, m_tst) for k in n]).T

# Function values for the test points:
y_tst = func(I_tst)

We set the parameters of the TT-cross algorithm:

m         = 8.E+3  # Number of calls to target function
e         = None   # Desired accuracy
nswp      = None   # Sweep number
r         = 1      # TT-rank of the initial tensor
dr_min    = 1      # Cross parameter (minimum number of added rows)
dr_max    = 3      # Cross parameter (maximum number of added rows)

We build the TT-tensor, which approximates the target function (note that “cache” is optional [it may be None] and it is effictive only for complex functions with long computing time for one call):

t = tpc()
info, cache = {}, {}
Y = teneva.rand(n, r)
Y = teneva.cross(func, Y, m, e, nswp, dr_min=dr_min, dr_max=dr_max,
    info=info, cache=cache)
Y = teneva.truncate(Y, 1.E-4) # We round the result at the end
t = tpc() - t

print(f'Build time           : {t:-10.2f}')
print(f'Evals func           : {info["m"]:-10d}')
print(f'Cache uses           : {info["m_cache"]:-10d}')
print(f'Iter accuracy        : {info["e"]:-10.2e}')
print(f'Sweep number         : {info["nswp"]:-10d}')
print(f'Stop condition       : {info["stop"]:>10}')
print(f'TT-rank of pure res  : {info["r"]:-10.1f}')
print(f'TT-rank of trunc res : {teneva.erank(Y):-10.1f}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Build time           :       0.16
# Evals func           :       6734
# Cache uses           :       6272
# Iter accuracy        :   0.00e+00
# Sweep number         :          3
# Stop condition       :          m
# TT-rank of pure res  :       11.0
# TT-rank of trunc res :        3.0

And now we can check the result:

# Compute approximation in test points:
y_our = teneva.get_many(Y, I_tst)

# Accuracy of the result for test points:
e_tst = np.linalg.norm(y_our - y_tst) / np.linalg.norm(y_tst)

print(f'Error on test        : {e_tst:-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Error on test        :   3.36e-15

Note that “accuracy_on_data” function may be used instead:

e_tst = teneva.accuracy_on_data(Y, I_tst, y_tst)
print(f'Error on test        : {e_tst:-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Error on test        :   3.36e-15

We may not specify a limit on the number of requests (“m”) to the objective function. In this case, the algorithm will end when the maximum number of iterations (“nswp”) is reached or after convergence (“e”) [note the value of the stop condition in the output below]:

m         = None   # Number of calls to target function
e         = 1.E-4  # Desired accuracy
nswp      = 10     # Sweep number (to ensure that it will not work very long)
t = tpc()
info, cache = {}, {}
Y = teneva.rand(n, r)
Y = teneva.cross(func, Y, m, e, nswp, dr_min=dr_min, dr_max=dr_max,
    info=info, cache=cache)
Y = teneva.truncate(Y, 1.e-4) # We round the result
t = tpc() - t

print(f'Build time           : {t:-10.2f}')
print(f'Evals func           : {info["m"]:-10d}')
print(f'Cache uses           : {info["m_cache"]:-10d}')
print(f'Iter accuracy        : {info["e"]:-10.2e}')
print(f'Sweep number         : {info["nswp"]:-10d}')
print(f'Stop condition       : {info["stop"]:>10}')
print(f'TT-rank of pure res  : {info["r"]:-10.1f}')
print(f'TT-rank of trunc res : {teneva.erank(Y):-10.1f}')
print(f'Error on test        : {teneva.accuracy_on_data(Y, I_tst, y_tst):-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Build time           :       0.07
# Evals func           :       3614
# Cache uses           :       3084
# Iter accuracy        :   1.02e-08
# Sweep number         :          3
# Stop condition       :          e
# TT-rank of pure res  :        8.0
# TT-rank of trunc res :        3.0
# Error on test        :   6.43e-16

We may disable the cache (note that the number of requests to the objective function in this case will be more, but the running time will be less, since this function is calculated very quickly):

t = tpc()
info, cache = {}, None
Y = teneva.rand(n, r)
Y = teneva.cross(func, Y, m, e, nswp, dr_min=dr_min, dr_max=dr_max,
    info=info, cache=cache)
Y = teneva.truncate(Y, 1.e-4) # We round the result
t = tpc() - t

print(f'Build time           : {t:-10.2f}')
print(f'Evals func           : {info["m"]:-10d}')
print(f'Cache uses           : {info["m_cache"]:-10d}')
print(f'Iter accuracy        : {info["e"]:-10.2e}')
print(f'Sweep number         : {info["nswp"]:-10d}')
print(f'Stop condition       : {info["stop"]:>10}')
print(f'TT-rank of pure res  : {info["r"]:-10.1f}')
print(f'TT-rank of trunc res : {teneva.erank(Y):-10.1f}')
print(f'Error on test        : {teneva.accuracy_on_data(Y, I_tst, y_tst):-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Build time           :       0.04
# Evals func           :       6698
# Cache uses           :          0
# Iter accuracy        :   1.02e-08
# Sweep number         :          3
# Stop condition       :          e
# TT-rank of pure res  :        8.0
# TT-rank of trunc res :        3.0
# Error on test        :   6.43e-16

We may also specify all stop conditions. In this case, the algorithm will terminate when at least one stop criterion is met:

m         = 1.E+4  # Number of calls to target function
e         = 1.E-16 # Desired accuracy
nswp      = 10     # Sweep number (to ensure that it will not work very long)
t = tpc()
info, cache = {}, None
Y = teneva.rand(n, r)
Y = teneva.cross(func, Y, m, e, nswp, dr_min=dr_min, dr_max=dr_max,
    info=info, cache=cache)
Y = teneva.truncate(Y, 1.e-4) # We round the result
t = tpc() - t

print(f'Build time           : {t:-10.2f}')
print(f'Evals func           : {info["m"]:-10d}')
print(f'Cache uses           : {info["m_cache"]:-10d}')
print(f'Iter accuracy        : {info["e"]:-10.2e}')
print(f'Sweep number         : {info["nswp"]:-10d}')
print(f'Stop condition       : {info["stop"]:>10}')
print(f'TT-rank of pure res  : {info["r"]:-10.1f}')
print(f'TT-rank of trunc res : {teneva.erank(Y):-10.1f}')
print(f'Error on test        : {teneva.accuracy_on_data(Y, I_tst, y_tst):-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Build time           :       0.07
# Evals func           :       9126
# Cache uses           :          0
# Iter accuracy        :   2.06e-08
# Sweep number         :          3
# Stop condition       :          m
# TT-rank of pure res  :        9.4
# TT-rank of trunc res :        3.0
# Error on test        :   1.46e-14
m         = 1.E+4  # Number of calls to target function
e         = 1.E-16 # Desired accuracy
nswp      = 1      # Sweep number (to ensure that it will not work very long)
t = tpc()
info, cache = {}, None
Y = teneva.rand(n, r)
Y = teneva.cross(func, Y, m, e, nswp, dr_min=dr_min, dr_max=dr_max, info=info, cache=cache)
Y = teneva.truncate(Y, 1.e-4) # We round the result
t = tpc() - t

print(f'Build time           : {t:-10.2f}')
print(f'Evals func           : {info["m"]:-10d}')
print(f'Cache uses           : {info["m_cache"]:-10d}')
print(f'Iter accuracy        : {info["e"]:-10.2e}')
print(f'Sweep number         : {info["nswp"]:-10d}')
print(f'Stop condition       : {info["stop"]:>10}')
print(f'TT-rank of pure res  : {info["r"]:-10.1f}')
print(f'TT-rank of trunc res : {teneva.erank(Y):-10.1f}')
print(f'Error on test        : {teneva.accuracy_on_data(Y, I_tst, y_tst):-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Build time           :       0.01
# Evals func           :        512
# Cache uses           :          0
# Iter accuracy        :   5.73e+05
# Sweep number         :          1
# Stop condition       :       nswp
# TT-rank of pure res  :        3.0
# TT-rank of trunc res :        3.0
# Error on test        :   1.46e-01

We can also set a validation data set and specify as a stop criterion the accuracy of the TT-approximation on this data (and we can also present the logs):

d = 25      # Dimension of the function
n = 64      # Shape of the tensor
a = -100.   # Lower bounds for spatial grid
b = +100.   # Upper bounds for spatial grid
def func(I):
    """Schaffer function."""
    X = teneva.ind_to_poi(I, a, b, n)
    Z = X[:, :-1]**2 + X[:, 1:]**2
    y = 0.5 + (np.sin(np.sqrt(Z))**2 - 0.5) / (1. + 0.001 * Z)**2
    return np.sum(y, axis=1)
# Number of test points:
m_tst = int(1.E+4)

# Random multi-indices for the test points:
I_tst = np.vstack([np.random.choice(n, m_tst) for i in range(d)]).T

# Function values for the test points:
y_tst = func(I_tst)
# Number of validation points:
m_vld = int(1.E+3)

# Random multi-indices for the validation points:
I_vld = np.vstack([np.random.choice(n, m_vld) for i in range(d)]).T

# Function values for the validation points:
y_vld = func(I_vld)
e_vld = 1.E-3  # Desired error on validation data
t = tpc()
info = {}
Y = teneva.rand([n]*d, r=1)
Y = teneva.cross(func, Y, dr_max=1, I_vld=I_vld, y_vld=y_vld,
    e_vld=e_vld, info=info, log=True)
Y = teneva.truncate(Y, 1.E-4) # We round the result
t = tpc() - t

print(f'Build time           : {t:-10.2f}')
print(f'Evals func           : {info["m"]:-10d}')
print(f'Cache uses           : {info["m_cache"]:-10d}')
print(f'Iter accuracy        : {info["e"]:-10.2e}')
print(f'Sweep number         : {info["nswp"]:-10d}')
print(f'Stop condition       : {info["stop"]:>10}')
print(f'TT-rank of pure res  : {info["r"]:-10.1f}')
print(f'TT-rank of trunc res : {teneva.erank(Y):-10.1f}')
print(f'Error on test        : {teneva.accuracy_on_data(Y, I_tst, y_tst):-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# # pre | time:      0.016 | evals: 0.00e+00 | rank:   1.0 | e_vld: 1.0e+00 |
# #   1 | time:      0.054 | evals: 1.23e+04 | rank:   3.0 | e_vld: 1.7e-01 | e: 6.9e+06 |
# #   2 | time:      0.129 | evals: 6.04e+04 | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.3e-02 | e: 2.3e-01 |
# #   3 | time:      0.311 | evals: 1.68e+05 | rank:   7.0 | e_vld: 4.8e-02 | e: 7.7e-02 |
# #   4 | time:      0.816 | evals: 3.58e+05 | rank:   9.0 | e_vld: 4.7e-02 | e: 2.1e-02 |
# #   5 | time:      1.803 | evals: 6.55e+05 | rank:  11.0 | e_vld: 5.5e-03 | e: 4.9e-02 |
# #   6 | time:      4.828 | evals: 1.08e+06 | rank:  13.0 | e_vld: 3.9e-03 | e: 5.9e-03 |
# #   7 | time:     10.271 | evals: 1.66e+06 | rank:  15.0 | e_vld: 2.3e-03 | e: 4.1e-03 |
# #   8 | time:     19.424 | evals: 2.42e+06 | rank:  17.0 | e_vld: 1.6e-03 | e: 2.4e-03 |
# #   9 | time:     34.129 | evals: 3.38e+06 | rank:  19.0 | e_vld: 9.9e-04 | e: 1.5e-03 | stop: e_vld |
# Build time           :      34.15
# Evals func           :    3379200
# Cache uses           :          0
# Iter accuracy        :   1.52e-03
# Sweep number         :          9
# Stop condition       :      e_vld
# TT-rank of pure res  :       19.0
# TT-rank of trunc res :       18.0
# Error on test        :   9.99e-04

We may also, for example, use cache and add restriction on the number of requests:

m         = 1.E+6  # Number of calls to target function
e_vld     = 1.E-3  # Desired error on validation data
Y = teneva.rand([n]*d, r=1)
Y = teneva.cross(func, Y, m=m, dr_max=1, I_vld=I_vld, y_vld=y_vld,
    e_vld=e_vld, info={}, cache={}, log=True)
Y = teneva.truncate(Y, 1.e-4)

print(f'TT-rank of trunc res : {teneva.erank(Y):-10.1f}')
print(f'Error on test        : {teneva.accuracy_on_data(Y, I_tst, y_tst):-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# # pre | time:      0.017 | evals: 0.00e+00 (+ 0.00e+00) | rank:   1.0 | e_vld: 1.0e+00 |
# #   1 | time:      0.139 | evals: 1.20e+04 (+ 3.20e+02) | rank:   3.0 | e_vld: 1.5e-01 | e: 1.4e+07 |
# #   2 | time:      0.583 | evals: 5.84e+04 (+ 2.04e+03) | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 3.2e-02 | e: 2.0e-01 |
# #   3 | time:      1.542 | evals: 1.58e+05 (+ 9.95e+03) | rank:   7.0 | e_vld: 4.5e-02 | e: 6.3e-02 |
# #   4 | time:      3.442 | evals: 3.24e+05 (+ 3.40e+04) | rank:   9.0 | e_vld: 2.9e-02 | e: 2.6e-02 |
# #   5 | time:      6.747 | evals: 5.96e+05 (+ 5.92e+04) | rank:  11.0 | e_vld: 6.3e-03 | e: 2.8e-02 |
# #   6 | time:     13.962 | evals: 9.86e+05 (+ 9.59e+04) | rank:  13.0 | e_vld: 3.6e-03 | e: 7.0e-03 |
# #   6 | time:     18.060 | evals: 9.94e+05 (+ 1.13e+05) | rank:  13.1 | e_vld: 3.6e-03 | e: 9.1e-04 | stop: m |
# TT-rank of trunc res :       12.3
# Error on test        :   3.65e-03

We may also pass callback function (it will be called after every sweep):

def cb(Y, info, opts):
    e = teneva.accuracy(Y, opts['Yold'])
    c = len(opts['cache'])
    print(f'Callback : e={e:-7.1e}; cache size: {c:-8d}')
    if info['nswp'] == 5:
        # Stop the algorithm's work (just for demo!)
        return True
Y = teneva.rand([n]*d, r=1)
Y = teneva.cross(func, Y, m=m, dr_max=1, I_vld=I_vld, y_vld=y_vld,
    e_vld=e_vld, cb=cb, info={}, cache={}, log=True)
Y = teneva.truncate(Y, 1.e-4)

print(f'TT-rank of trunc res : {teneva.erank(Y):-10.1f}')
print(f'Error on test        : {teneva.accuracy_on_data(Y, I_tst, y_tst):-10.2e}')

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# # pre | time:      0.018 | evals: 0.00e+00 (+ 0.00e+00) | rank:   1.0 | e_vld: 1.0e+00 |
# Callback : e=8.9e+06; cache size:    11968
# #   1 | time:      0.179 | evals: 1.20e+04 (+ 3.20e+02) | rank:   3.0 | e_vld: 1.6e-01 | e: 8.9e+06 |
# Callback : e=2.2e-01; cache size:    57872
# #   2 | time:      0.655 | evals: 5.79e+04 (+ 2.54e+03) | rank:   5.0 | e_vld: 4.0e-02 | e: 2.2e-01 |
# Callback : e=7.9e-02; cache size:   159684
# #   3 | time:      1.783 | evals: 1.60e+05 (+ 8.25e+03) | rank:   7.0 | e_vld: 5.3e-02 | e: 7.9e-02 |
# Callback : e=2.7e-02; cache size:   333516
# #   4 | time:      4.218 | evals: 3.34e+05 (+ 2.49e+04) | rank:   9.0 | e_vld: 3.3e-02 | e: 2.7e-02 |
# Callback : e=3.4e-02; cache size:   593653
# #   5 | time:      8.458 | evals: 5.94e+05 (+ 6.17e+04) | rank:  11.0 | e_vld: 6.4e-03 | e: 3.4e-02 | stop: cb |
# TT-rank of trunc res :       10.5
# Error on test        :   6.38e-03