Module maxvol: compute the maximal-volume submatrix

Package teneva, module maxvol: maxvol-like algorithms.

This module contains the implementation of the maxvol algorithm (function “maxvol”) and rect_maxvol algorithm (function “maxvol_rect”) for matrices. The corresponding functions find in a given matrix square and rectangular maximal-volume submatrix, respectively (for the case of square submatrix, it has approximately the maximum value of the modulus of the determinant).

teneva.maxvol.maxvol(A, e=1.05, k=100)[source]

Compute the maximal-volume submatrix for given tall matrix.

  • A (np.ndarray) – tall matrix of the shape [n, r] (n > r).

  • e (float) – accuracy parameter (should be >= 1). If the parameter is equal to 1, then the maximum number of iterations will be performed until true convergence is achieved. If the value is greater than one, the algorithm will complete its work faster, but the accuracy will be slightly lower (in most cases, the optimal value is within the range of 1.01 - 1.1).

  • k (int) – maximum number of iterations (should be >= 1).


the row numbers I containing the maximal volume submatrix in the form of 1D array of length r and coefficient matrix B in the form of 2D array of shape [n, r], such that A = B A[I, :] and A (A[I, :])^{-1} = B.

Return type:

(np.ndarray, np.ndarray)


The description of the basic implementation of this algorithm is presented in the work: Goreinov S., Oseledets, I., Savostyanov, D., Tyrtyshnikov, E., Zamarashkin, N. “How to find a good submatrix”. Matrix Methods: Theory, Algorithms And Applications: Dedicated to the Memory of Gene Golub (2010): 247-256.


n = 5000                  # Number of rows
r = 50                    # Number of columns
A = np.random.randn(n, r) # Random tall matrix
e = 1.01  # Accuracy parameter
k = 500   # Maximum number of iterations
# Compute row numbers and coefficient matrix:
I, B = teneva.maxvol(A, e, k)

# Maximal-volume square submatrix:
C = A[I, :]
print(f'|Det C|        : {np.abs(np.linalg.det(C)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Max |B|        : {np.max(np.abs(B)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Max |A - B C|  : {np.max(np.abs(A - B @ C)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Selected rows  : {I.size:-10d} > ', np.sort(I))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# |Det C|        :   2.41e+40
# Max |B|        :   1.01e+00
# Max |A - B C|  :   8.44e-15
# Selected rows  :         50 >  [  70  138  169  230  239  278  346  387  393  416  549  670  673  821
#   931 1007 1195 1278 1281 1551 1658 1822 1823 1927 2312 2335 2381 2529
#  2570 2634 2757 2818 3208 3239 3408 3626 3688 3739 3822 3833 3834 4079
#  4144 4197 4529 4627 4874 4896 4905 4977]

teneva.maxvol.maxvol_rect(A, e=1.1, dr_min=0, dr_max=None, e0=1.05, k0=10)[source]

Compute the maximal-volume rectangular submatrix for given tall matrix.

Within the framework of this function, the original maxvol algorithm is first called (see function maxvol). Then additional rows of the matrix are greedily added until the maximum allowed number is reached or until convergence.

  • A (np.ndarray) – tall matrix of the shape [n, r] (n > r).

  • e (float) – accuracy parameter.

  • dr_min (int) – minimum number of added rows (should be >= 0 and <= n-r).

  • dr_max (int) – maximum number of added rows (should be >= 0). If the value is not specified, then the number of added rows will be determined by the precision parameter e, while the resulting submatrix can even has the same size as the original matrix A. If r + dr_max is greater than n, then dr_max will be set such that r + dr_max = n.

  • e0 (float) – accuracy parameter for the original maxvol algorithm (should be >= 1). See function “maxvol” for details.

  • k0 (int) – maximum number of iterations for the original maxvol algorithm (should be >= 1). See function “maxvol” for details.


the row numbers I containing the rectangular maximal-volume submatrix in the form of 1D array of length r + dr, where dr is a number of additional selected rows (dr >= dr_min and dr <= dr_max) and coefficient matrix B in the form of 2D array of shape [n, r+dr], such that A = B A[I, :].

Return type:

(np.ndarray, np.ndarray)


The description of the basic implementation of this algorithm is presented in the work: Mikhalev A, Oseledets I., “Rectangular maximum-volume submatrices and their applications.” Linear Algebra and its Applications 538 (2018): 187-211.


n = 5000                  # Number of rows
r = 50                    # Number of columns
A = np.random.randn(n, r) # Random tall matrix
e = 1.01    # Accuracy parameter
dr_min = 2  # Minimum number of added rows
dr_max = 8  # Maximum number of added rows
e0 = 1.05   # Accuracy parameter for the original maxvol algorithm
k0 = 50     # Maximum number of iterations for the original maxvol algorithm
# Row numbers and coefficient matrix:
I, B = teneva.maxvol_rect(A, e,
    dr_min, dr_max, e0, k0)

# Maximal-volume rectangular submatrix:
C = A[I, :]
print(f'Max |B|        : {np.max(np.abs(B)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Max |A - B C|  : {np.max(np.abs(A - B @ C)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Selected rows  : {I.size:-10d} > ', np.sort(I))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Max |B|        :   1.00e+00
# Max |A - B C|  :   8.10e-15
# Selected rows  :         58 >  [ 233  294  306  553  564  566  574  623  732  739  754  899  901 1095
#  1142 1190 1275 1316 1416 1560 1605 1622 2028 2051 2084 2085 2108 2293
#  2339 2519 2574 2667 2705 2757 2782 2975 3147 3159 3170 3251 3330 3360
#  3499 3564 3599 3627 3641 3849 3893 4135 4274 4453 4549 4740 4819 4837
#  4891 4933]

We may select “dr_max” as None. In this case the number of added rows will be determined by the precision parameter “e” (the resulting submatrix can even has the same size as the original matrix “A”):

e = 1.01      # Accuracy parameter
dr_max = None # Maximum number of added rows

# Compute row numbers and coefficient matrix:
I, B = teneva.maxvol_rect(A, e,
    dr_min, dr_max, e0, k0)

# Maximal-volume rectangular submatrix:
C = A[I, :]

print(f'Max |B|        : {np.max(np.abs(B)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Max |A - B C|  : {np.max(np.abs(A - B @ C)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Selected rows  : {I.size:-10d} > ', np.sort(I))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Max |B|        :   1.00e+00
# Max |A - B C|  :   8.44e-15
# Selected rows  :         93 >  [ 233  281  294  306  362  526  553  564  566  574  608  623  642  732
#   739  745  754  761  899  901 1095 1102 1142 1190 1219 1275 1283 1316
#  1416 1560 1605 1622 1955 1968 2028 2051 2084 2085 2108 2214 2243 2292
#  2293 2339 2409 2422 2507 2519 2566 2574 2643 2661 2665 2667 2705 2757
#  2782 2864 2975 3147 3159 3170 3251 3258 3330 3360 3487 3499 3506 3532
#  3564 3599 3627 3641 3849 3893 3907 4066 4115 4135 4201 4274 4453 4502
#  4526 4549 4740 4767 4819 4837 4891 4933 4979]
A = np.random.randn(20, 5) # Random tall matrix
e = 0.1                    # Accuracy parameter
                           # (we select very small value here)
dr_max = None              # Maximum number of added rows

# Row numbers and coefficient matrix:
I, B = teneva.maxvol_rect(A, e,
    dr_min, dr_max, e0, k0)

# Maximal-volume rectangular submatrix:
C = A[I, :]

print(f'Max |B|        : {np.max(np.abs(B)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Max |A - B C|  : {np.max(np.abs(A - B @ C)):-10.2e}')
print(f'Selected rows  : {I.size:-10d} > ', np.sort(I))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# Max |B|        :   1.00e+00
# Max |A - B C|  :   0.00e+00
# Selected rows  :         20 >  [ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]