Module sample: random sampling for/from the TT-tensor

Package teneva, module sample: random sampling for/from the TT-tensor.

This module contains functions for sampling from the TT-tensor and for generation of random multi-indices and points for learning.

teneva.sample.sample(Y, m=1, seed=None, unsert=1e-10)[source]

Sample multi-indices according to given probability TT-tensor.

  • Y (list) – TT-tensor, which represents the discrete probability distribution.

  • m (int, float) – number of samples.

  • seed (int) – random seed. It should be an integer number or a numpy Generator class instance.

  • unsert (float) – noise parameter.


generated multi-indices for the tensor in the form of array of the shape [m, d], where d is the dimension of the tensor.

Return type:



Y = np.array([       # We generate 2D tensor for demo
    [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
    [0. , 0. , 0. ],
    [0.2, 0.2, 0. ],
    [0. , 0. , 0. ],
Y = teneva.svd(Y)    # We compute its TT-representation
print(teneva.sum(Y)) # We print the sum of tensor elements

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# 1.0000000000000002
m = 3 # Number of requested samples
I = teneva.sample(Y, m)

for i in I:
    print(i, teneva.get(Y, i))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [0 2] 0.30000000000000004
# [0 2] 0.30000000000000004
# [2 1] 0.19999999999999998

And now let check this function for big random TT-tensor:

# 5-dim random TT-tensor with TT-rank 5:
Y = teneva.rand([4]*5, 5)

# Compute the square of Y:
Y = teneva.mul(Y, Y)

# Normalize the tensor:
p = teneva.sum(Y)
Y = teneva.mul(Y, 1./p)

# Print the resulting TT-tensor:

I = teneva.sample(Y, m=10)

print('\n--- Result:')
for i in I:
    print(i, teneva.get(Y, i))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# TT-tensor     5D : |4|  |4|  |4|  |4|  |4|
# <rank>  =   25.0 :   \25/ \25/ \25/ \25/
# --- Result:
# [1 1 0 0 0] 0.0007588471820855217
# [2 1 1 3 0] 0.002706677398128092
# [1 0 2 3 0] 0.0013416595874856504
# [1 3 0 3 2] 0.005268780663755161
# [1 1 3 2 3] 0.020850249604089342
# [2 3 3 1 3] 0.005235806763642116
# [2 2 2 3 0] 0.007237919123950909
# [2 2 2 3 0] 0.007237919123950909
# [2 3 1 2 2] 0.00386137356877238
# [2 3 2 2 3] 0.0101601246676211

Note that we can also set a random seed value:

Y = teneva.rand([4]*5, 5)
Y = teneva.mul(Y, Y)
Y = teneva.mul(Y, 1./teneva.sum(Y))
I = teneva.sample(Y, m=10, seed=42)

print('\n--- Result:')
for i in I:
    print(i, teneva.get(Y, i))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# --- Result:
# [2 2 3 2 1] 0.006701399784256296
# [2 3 0 2 3] 0.0009199062997398363
# [3 2 3 1 1] 0.007034058195361783
# [2 2 3 0 1] 0.020689174925208352
# [0 2 3 1 1] 0.007385551333875279
# [3 1 0 1 3] 0.00044101891370375306
# [2 2 2 0 1] 0.01161300890685018
# [3 1 0 3 2] 0.008949552792504081
# [0 2 1 0 2] 0.0007910849983416415
# [2 2 3 2 0] 0.007089705144309747

teneva.sample.sample_square(Y, m=1, unique=True, seed=None, m_fact=5, max_rep=100, float_cf=None)[source]

Sample according to given probability TT-tensor (with squaring it).

  • Y (list) – TT-tensor, which represents the discrete probability distribution.

  • m (int, float) – number of samples.

  • unique (bool) – if True, then unique multi-indices will be generated.

  • seed (int) – random seed. It should be an integer number or a numpy Generator class instance.

  • m_fact (int) – scale factor to find enough unique samples.

  • max_rep (int) – number of restarts to find enough unique samples.

  • float_cf (float) – special parameter (TODO: check).


generated multi-indices for the tensor in the form of array of the shape [m, d], where d is the dimension of the tensor.

Return type:



Y = np.array([       # We generate 2D tensor for demo
    [0.1, 0.2, 0.3],
    [0. , 0. , 0. ],
    [0.2, 0.2, 0. ],
    [0. , 0. , 0. ],
Y = teneva.svd(Y)    # We compute its TT-representation
print(teneva.sum(Y)) # We print the sum of tensor elements

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# 1.0000000000000002
m = 3 # Number of requested samples
I = teneva.sample_square(Y, m)

for i in I:
    print(i, teneva.get(Y, i))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [0 2] 0.30000000000000004
# [2 0] 0.20000000000000012
# [2 1] 0.19999999999999998
m = 10
I = teneva.sample_square(Y, m, unique=False)
for i in I:
    print(i, teneva.get(Y, i))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [2 1] 0.19999999999999998
# [0 2] 0.30000000000000004
# [0 1] 0.19999999999999993
# [2 0] 0.20000000000000012
# [2 0] 0.20000000000000012
# [2 0] 0.20000000000000012
# [0 2] 0.30000000000000004
# [0 2] 0.30000000000000004
# [2 0] 0.20000000000000012
# [0 1] 0.19999999999999993

And now let check this function for big random TT-tensor:

# 5-dim random TT-tensor with TT-rank 5:
Y = teneva.rand([4]*5, 5)

# Compute the square of Y:
Y = teneva.mul(Y, Y)

# Normalize the tensor:
p = teneva.sum(Y)
Y = teneva.mul(Y, 1./p)

# Print the resulting TT-tensor:

I = teneva.sample_square(Y, m=10)

print('\n--- Result:')
for i in I:
    print(i, teneva.get(Y, i))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# TT-tensor     5D : |4|  |4|  |4|  |4|  |4|
# <rank>  =   25.0 :   \25/ \25/ \25/ \25/
# --- Result:
# [0 3 1 0 0] 0.017523367961620212
# [1 1 3 0 3] 0.008094385528619455
# [0 0 0 3 1] 0.012882844366531889
# [2 0 2 2 1] 0.005396751620488374
# [0 3 2 3 1] 0.005793914853250297
# [0 3 1 0 3] 0.031223275738127162
# [0 3 3 1 1] 0.00849159306905711
# [0 0 2 1 1] 0.009221683168084471
# [3 3 1 0 3] 0.010801785940475796
# [0 1 3 0 1] 0.002037091228806436

Note that we can also set a random seed value:

Y = teneva.rand([4]*5, 5)
Y = teneva.mul(Y, Y)
Y = teneva.mul(Y, 1./teneva.sum(Y))
I = teneva.sample_square(Y, m=10, seed=42)

print('\n--- Result:')
for i in I:
    print(i, teneva.get(Y, i))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# --- Result:
# [3 1 0 1 1] 0.017963333094387288
# [0 2 2 1 1] 0.012152286440489418
# [1 3 0 1 1] 0.0008635241295761303
# [0 2 1 3 2] 0.003238965367713351
# [2 3 0 1 1] 0.014700631383368384
# [2 1 1 3 1] 0.0024888432721324153
# [1 1 1 1 1] 0.0051630663903024536
# [2 3 3 2 3] 0.0032659562682485228
# [2 1 2 3 1] 0.004955517050227165
# [1 0 0 2 0] 0.0038466183942745245

teneva.sample.sample_lhs(n, m, seed=None)[source]

Generate LHS multi-indices for the tensor of the given shape.

  • n (list, np.ndarray) – tensor size for each dimension (list or np.ndarray of int/float of the length d, where d is the dimension of the tensor).

  • m (int, float) – number of samples.

  • seed (int) – random seed. It should be an integer number or a numpy Generator class instance.


generated multi-indices for the tensor in the form of array of the shape [m, d], where d is the dimension of the tensor.

Return type:



d = 3           # Dimension of the tensor/grid
n = [5] * d     # Shape of the tensor/grid
m = 8           # Number of samples

I = teneva.sample_lhs(n, m)


# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [[1 4 4]
#  [0 3 3]
#  [1 2 0]
#  [0 0 3]
#  [4 4 2]
#  [2 0 0]
#  [3 1 1]
#  [4 2 4]]

Note that we can also set a random seed value:

I = teneva.sample_lhs([3, 4], 3, seed=42)
I = teneva.sample_lhs([3, 4], 3, seed=0)
I = teneva.sample_lhs([3, 4], 3, 42)
I = teneva.sample_lhs([3, 4], 3, seed=np.random.default_rng(42))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [[2 2]
#  [1 1]
#  [0 3]]
# [[2 3]
#  [0 0]
#  [1 2]]
# [[2 2]
#  [1 1]
#  [0 3]]
# [[2 2]
#  [1 1]
#  [0 3]]

teneva.sample.sample_rand(n, m, seed=None)[source]

Generate random multi-indices for the tensor of the given shape.

  • n (list, np.ndarray) – tensor size for each dimension (list or np.ndarray of int/float of the length d, where d is the dimension of the tensor).

  • m (int, float) – number of samples.

  • seed (int) – random seed. It should be an integer number or a numpy Generator class instance.


generated multi-indices for the tensor in the form of array of the shape [m, d], where d is the dimension of the tensor.

Return type:



d = 3           # Dimension of the tensor/grid
n = [5] * d     # Shape of the tensor/grid
m = 8           # Number of samples

I = teneva.sample_rand(n, m)


# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [[3 3 3]
#  [3 3 0]
#  [2 2 3]
#  [2 1 4]
#  [3 0 2]
#  [3 4 0]
#  [1 2 3]
#  [2 2 2]]

Note that we can also set a random seed value:

I = teneva.sample_rand([3, 4], 3, seed=42)
I = teneva.sample_rand([3, 4], 3, seed=0)
I = teneva.sample_rand([3, 4], 3, 42)
I = teneva.sample_rand([3, 4], 3, seed=np.random.default_rng(42))

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [[0 1]
#  [2 1]
#  [1 3]]
# [[2 1]
#  [1 1]
#  [1 0]]
# [[0 1]
#  [2 1]
#  [1 3]]
# [[0 1]
#  [2 1]
#  [1 3]]

teneva.sample.sample_rand_poi(a, b, m, seed=None)[source]

Generate random multidimensional points from provided limits.

  • a (list, np.ndarray) – lower grid limits (list or np.ndarray of float of the length d, where d is the dimension).

  • b (list, np.ndarray) – upper grid limits (list or np.ndarray of float of the length d, where d is the dimension).

  • m (int, float) – number of samples.

  • seed (int) – random seed. It should be an integer number or a numpy Generator class instance.


generated random multidimensional points in the form of array of the shape [m, d], where d is the dimension of the problem.

Return type:



d = 4               # Dimension
a = [-2, -4, 0, 3]  # Lower grid bounds
b = [+2, -2, 3, 6]  # Lower grid bounds
m = 3               # Number of samples

X = teneva.sample_rand_poi(a, b, m)


# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [[-0.96523525 -2.34653896  1.38316722  3.21546859]
#  [ 0.38706846 -3.6737769   2.41898011  3.02479311]
#  [-0.6563158  -2.81430498  0.93096971  3.11847307]]

Let generate many samples and check that limits are valid:

d = 10
a = -3.
b = +4.
m = int(1.E+5)
X = teneva.sample_rand_poi([a]*d, [b]*d, m)

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# -2.999982269034018
# 3.9999884743761758

Note that we can also set a random seed value:

d = 3
X = teneva.sample_rand_poi([-2]*d, [+2]*d, 2, seed=42)
X = teneva.sample_rand_poi([-2]*d, [+2]*d, 2, seed=0)
X = teneva.sample_rand_poi([-2]*d, [+2]*d, 2, seed=42)
X = teneva.sample_rand_poi([-2]*d, [+2]*d, 2,

# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# [[ 1.09582419  1.43439168 -1.62329061]
#  [-0.24448624  0.78947212  1.90248941]]
# [[ 0.54784675 -1.8361059   1.25308096]
#  [-0.92085314 -1.93388946  1.65102231]]
# [[ 1.09582419  1.43439168 -1.62329061]
#  [-0.24448624  0.78947212  1.90248941]]
# [[ 1.09582419  1.43439168 -1.62329061]
#  [-0.24448624  0.78947212  1.90248941]]

teneva.sample.sample_tt(n, r=4, seed=None)[source]

Generate special samples for the tensor of the shape n.

Generate special samples (multi-indices) for the tensor, which are the best (in many cases) for the subsequent construction of the TT-tensor.

  • n (list, np.ndarray) – tensor size for each dimension (list or np.ndarray of int/float of the length d).

  • r (int) – expected TT-rank of the tensor. The number of generated samples will be selected according to this value.

  • seed (int) – random seed. It should be an integer number or a numpy Generator class instance.


generated multi-indices for the tensor in the form of array of the shape [samples, d], starting poisitions in generated samples for the corresponding dimensions in the form of array of the shape [d+1] and numbers of points for the right unfoldings in generated samples in the form of array of the shape [d].

Return type:

(np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray)


The resulting number of samples will be chosen adaptively based on the specified expected TT-rank (r).


d = 3           # Dimension of the tensor/grid
n = [5] * d     # Shape of the tensor/grid
m = 2           # The expected TT-rank

I, idx, idx_many = teneva.sample_tt(n, m)


# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# (40, 3)
# (4,)
# (3,)

Note that we can also set a random seed value:

d = 3           # Dimension of the tensor/grid
n = [5] * d     # Shape of the tensor/grid
m = 2           # The expected TT-rank

I, idx, idx_many = teneva.sample_tt(n, m, seed=42)


# >>> ----------------------------------------
# >>> Output:

# (40, 3)
# (4,)
# (3,)